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- <h5>
- [ <a href="heretic2.php#introduction">Introduction</a>
- | <a href="heretic2.php#requirements">Requirements</a>
- | <a href="heretic2.php#features">Features</a> ]<br>
- [ <a href="heretic2.php#reviews">Reviews</a>
- | <a href="heretic2.php#screenshots">Screenshots</a> ]
- </h5><p>
- <h2><b>Heretic 2</b></h2></center>
- <p><br>
- <h4>Price - £39.95</h4>
- <p>
- A Demo of Heretic 2 is available from Aminet
- <a href="http://us.aminet.net/aminetbin/find?Heretic+2+Demo">here</a>
- (~40MB in 4 files).
- <p><a name=introduction></a><br>
- <h4>Introduction</h4>
- <p>
- Heretic II is the highly acclaimed conceptual sequel to the Hexen
- and Heretic series by Raven Software. Heretic II relies on a tweaked
- version of the Quake II<font size=1><sup>TM</sup></font> engine by
- Id Software and plays from a behind-the-back third-person
- perspective as in the Tomb Raider series but still controls a lot
- like a first-person shooter.
- <p>
- In Heretic II you play Corvus, the Elf who was exiled to the Outer
- Worlds but managed to find his way back home. Unfortunately, home is
- not the place it used to be: the land is beset by a dark magical
- plague and Corvus' brethren have mutated beyond recognition and have
- become insane with bloodlust. Enter Corvus, our hero.
- <p>
- Raven Software have invested enormous effort in the animation of
- Corvus who has to run, jump, swim, climb and creep his way through
- myriad locations, solving puzzles and invoking magic while fighting
- off cursed inhabitants.
- <p>
- Corvus is however at his best when he has to fight and quite an
- arsenal he has got too. His main weapon is his sword-staff which
- he uses in a variety of ways (including pole-vaulting). Then there's
- his magical arsenal: a dazzling array of magic spells including fire-
- and lightning-based attacks that light up the screen with stunning
- pyrotechnics. On top of that he has his Hellstaff which fires energy
- blasts at a furious rate, the Storm Bow, whose magical red arrows
- create deadly thunder showers and the Phoenix Bow with its exploding
- ammunition.
- <p>
- One of the main attractions of Heretic II is the use it makes of Id's
- Quake II<font size=1><sup>TM</sup></font> engine. The game is set in
- a huge, immersive gameworld characterised by meticulously detailed
- and realistically rendered architecture. Level design too is flawless
- with levels large, cohesive and intuitively structured with the
- occasional breathtaking in-game cutscene thrown in for good measure.
- <p>
- Other game features include multiplayer action, a drop camera,
- stationary look-abouts with MouseView and formidable enemy AI.
- <p>
- Conclusion: Heretic II is one game you just can't afford to miss.
- <p><a name=requirements></a><br>
- <h4>Requirements</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>OS 3.0 or higher
- <li>PPC (supported through WarpOS) and AGA
- <li>64 MB minimum, more recommended
- <li>3D acceleration supported through Warp3D (OpenGL)
- <li>Soundcards supported through AHI
- <li>4x CD ROM
- <li>350 MB free harddrive space
- </ul>
- <p><a name=features></a><br>
- <h4>Features</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>Features Quake II<font size=1><sup>TM</sup></font> 3D engine by Id
- Software using OpenGL
- <li>Support for Playstation controllers (PSXPort)
- <li>Multiplayer Support (internet or LAN up to 32 players)
- <li>Formidable Enemy AI
- <li>Outstanding player controls (mouse, keyboard, joystick)
- <li>Stand-alone level editor
- <li>Expandable with new mission packs like Quake
- </ul>
- <p><a name=reviews></a><br>
- <h4>Reviews</h4>
- <p>
- <b>Amiga Active</b><br>
- "Immense. Demanding. Gorgeous. Spellbinding. Buy it." <br>
- Amiga Active - Editor's choice award
- <p>
- <b>Amiga Format</b><br>
- "A landmark triumph in Amiga gaming. Looks and sounds incredible."<br>
- Score: 95% (AF Gold Medal, Amiga Format 151)
- <p>
- <b>Game Post Review</b><br>
- "Combine incredible graphics, great plot, great voice acting (some
- of the best in the industry), weapon effects to make you go ga-ga-ga
- at your monitor, and a soundtrack so good I'm playing it in my car
- recently, and you've got an A+."<br>
- "Heretic II is one of the best games of the year."<br>
- Score: 97% (<a href="http://www.gamepost.com/reviews/heretic2.html">Game Post Reviewer's Choice Award</a>)
- <p>
- <b>Gamesmania.com</b><br>
- "Heretic 2 has the character control of Tomb Raider, the gibbing
- action of Quake, multiple enemy target locations like Chasm, and
- damageable surfaces like Hexen 2. All of these features together,
- mixed in with great artwork and sound make Heretic 2 worth your
- time."<br>
- Score: 8.5/10 (<a href=http://www.gamesmania.com/english/reviews/new/heretic2/heretic2.htm">www.gamesmania.com/english/reviews/new/heretic2/heretic2.htm</a>)
- <p>
- <b>ZD Net Review</b><br>
- "Heretic II's visuals really stand out -- the graphics are slick,
- the levels complex and foreboding, and the special effects
- breathtaking."<br>
- Score: 5 Stars out of 5 Stars (<a href="http://hotfiles.zdnet.com/cgi-bin/texis/swlib/hotfiles/info.html?fcode=000VBR&b=">Editor's Choice Award</a>)
- <p><a name=screenshots></a><br>
- <h4>Screenshots</h4>
- <p>
- <center>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_01.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_02.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_03.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_04.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_05.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_06.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_07.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_08.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_09.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_10.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_11.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_12.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/heretic2/heretic2_13.jpg">
- </center>
- <p>
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